I am not many things. Among the things I am not is internet-savvy. Although on a superficial level it may seem that I know what I am doing because I am able to write a few paragraphs, insert a couple pictures and make them appear online, I assure you that this exterior, if it resembles aptitude of any kind, is held together tenuously by the thin thread that is my weekly struggle to publish and communicate in this virtual world called the Internet. If there is any doubt, look no further that my "discovery" of blogs last August, my frequent fumbling of my Twitter account, my lame Facebook page and now my sudden and recent realization that I too can make an interactive, personalized map on the internet.
But seriously, all self-deprecation aside, just like that mega-giant of a search engine knows what you are afraid of even before you get done typing, and can magically make my words appear all over the world in an instant, it can also (with hours of tedious toiling on my part), produce this map, which contains just about all the Denver-area (and greater Colorado) restaurants I have visited since starting this blog.
So here it is, the Denver On a Spit Map of Places You Mostly Want to Eat At. Next time you are lost in Denver, click on the new "Food Map" tab at the top of the page, and at least you'll know where to get some food.
View Denver On a Spit in a larger map
The Best Restaurants in Vail, Colorado
2 days ago
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